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When he’s not starring in the popular Netflix series Virgin River, you might find actor Benjamin Hollingsworth (a.k.a. Dan Brady) at one of these Vancouver-area hangouts.
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Actor Benjamin Hollingsworth plays Dan Brady on the B.C.-shot series Virgin River. Netflix will release the fifth season of Virgin River in two parts: Part 1 on Sept. 7, and Part 2 on Nov. 30.
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Here are some of the actor’s favourite spots in and around Vancouver:
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Vancouver restaurant for a night out with his wife Nila: Myers: “The Botanist at the Fairmont at Pacific Rim, that’s our new favourite eat spot.”
With the kids: “Earls and the Joey’s and things like that are so good with the kids’ menus, and they still have tasty things for adults. My wife is a vegan and our kids are vegetarian, so they have some good options for that.”
Picking up sweet treats: “There’s this bakery called To Live For (Nanaimo Street in East Vancouver), it’s a vegan bakery that is insanely good. Any time we are remotely close we stop in there and pile up with more sugar than anyone should digest, ever.”

Tips for people visiting Vancouver: “If you are just brand new to town, you have to rent a bike and ride around Stanley Park, even just around the city.
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“The other thing I would tell them to do is to go up Grouse and the (Capilano) Suspension Bridge. You can kind of pair them together. I tell them to check out the views on the way up to Cypress.
“I would tell them to go Squamish because it’s beautiful up there and they can check out Jack’s Bar the Watershed Grill (Brackendale), which is a working restaurant where you can go and sit down next to the river and have something to eat.”
Squamish restaurants: “While I’m filming on location in Squamish, one of my favourite things to do is stop by Sunflower Bakery for the tastiest doughnuts on Earth. We really love The Salted Vine. It is a really nice dinner spot.”
Day off go-to: “We either go down to a beach and do a picnic and have the kids put their life-jackets on and kind of kick around in the water.
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“There are a lot of great lakes, and we just pack up the kids in the car. We love Rainbow Park on Alta Lake in Whistler. It’s a great spot. A little beach that goes to the water and then that amazing mountain view.
“Or, sometimes, next to the rivers in Squamish, which are stunning this time of year because of the glacier melt. It’s really cold, but you get that turquoise beautiful blue water.
“The hikes are insane around here,” said Hollingsworth, who also pointed to biking as a great Squamish pastime. “I’ve got the bike stroller behind me, and the boys are on bikes. We’re a full biker gang.”
Click here to read more about Benjamin Hollingsworth and the upcoming season of Virgin River.
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