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We are living in different times. As kids, we rode bikes on the road and knew the rules of the road. Stay to the right, watch for cars, use hand signals for turning, look and acknowledge drivers so they know what you’re doing and have seen you. Now there are bikes, e-bikes, electric scooters and skateboards that “drive” on sidewalks and through common walking areas such as markets. Sidewalks are just that — for walking. It’s in the name.
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If you are riding a vehicle that goes faster than a walking pace you need to be on the street. If you are a slower vehicle like a bike or scooter, then it is in your best interest to know the rules of the road and wear appropriate safety gear to stay safe. If the road is too narrow, with no lane for slower traffic and seems unsafe, then use the sidewalk at a “walking pace” and watch out for kids, seniors, strollers, dogs and people who aren’t expecting “vehicles.”
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Teach your kids the rules before you give them a bike or scooter to keep themselves and everyone else safe. This is about their and other people’s lives. Adult bikers/boarders/scooter riders should know better, so do better and set a good example. Getting a call from the hospital or have police at your door is no fun for anyone. Stay safe.
Sandra Williams, Port Coquitlam
Re: Why everyone should salute the Invictus Games
It was great to see and read the article on the Invictus Games in Sunday’s paper. What the author failed to mention for whatever reason is that the games were founded by Prince Harry. Also too bad is the lack of TV coverage of the games, but there is an admittedly raw series all about the games on Netflix called The Heart of Invictus. The event is inspiring to both competitors and viewers
Eric Huffey, Port Coquitlam
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