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It strikes me that short-term rentals aren’t only unfairly hurting the hotel hospitality business but also increasing home prices.
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All required taxes paid by the hotel industry should be applied to short-term rentals, including commercial property tax rates and capital gains on sale, otherwise totally unfair competition is costing a lot of jobs in the true hospitality industry business.
No wonder a world class city like Vancouver is short of hotels.
Terry Taylor, Chilliwack
We can’t afford more delays in climate emergency
Thousands of wildfires have burned over 140,000 square kilometres hectares of land across Canada.
Unprecedented droughts are destroying farmland, while Nova Scotians struggle to recover from torrential flooding.
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Meanwhile, the fossil-fuel companies responsible for these crises continue raking in obscene profits.
Enough is enough. It’s time to stop the fossil-fuel industry from making this crisis worse. Time for our government to step in and stop fossil-fuel subsidies, prevent these companies from weakening critical climate legislation and tax Big Oil.
We can’t afford more delays. To tackle the climate emergency, the world needs to rapidly phase-out fossil fuels and make polluters pay.
The global shift to cheaper, more reliable clean energy is accelerating, no matter what Big Oil says.
Canada’s choice isn’t between a just transition and no transition. It’s between a just transition and an unjust one.
Shoshana Somerville, North Vancouver
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