Letters to The Province: Rules and regulations need to catch up with personal electric vehicles

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The recent article on e-scooter rules confusion is timely but speaks to a much larger problem. Personal transportation vehicles are proliferating at a rate that is beyond any and all expectations. Beyond scooters, you can purchase  e-bicycles, e-skateboards, e-unicycles and other contraptions. Unfortunately, not all that is new is necessarily good. The personal transportation vehicles in all their manifestations will become a safety virus requiring thoughtful and mandated treatment. Without enforceable guidelines that might include registration/education, age restrictions, protective  attire and environmental access, the injury and death rate will become significant.

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Bill Hubbard, North Vancouver 

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Traffic camera footage should be used if needed to investigate serious crimes

When is a camera not a camera? Richmond councillors were asking that very question on Sept. 12 at their most recent community safety meeting. It seems dash-cams and home doorbell cameras are legal to be used as evidence in court for criminal activities. But traffic cameras around the city are not to be used at any time to identify criminals or their vehicles — unless you happen to commit the heinous crime of running a red light, then you are fair game to be identified. The B.C. privacy commissioner, in their wisdom, say that the police cannot use those very same red-light cameras to identify child abductors or murder suspects. Once again, the rights of the few outweigh the safety of the masses. Time for the government to make some changes.

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Andrew Tablotney, Richmond

Climate task force critical for B.C.

One must give credit to our premier for creating a task force to address future climate-related problems. It appears apparent local governments in fire-prone areas need to revisit their building codes to ensure all exterior perimeters of a new dwelling are fire resistant. It also appears that insurance premiums will rise and some insurers may just pull out of B.C. altogether. It’s definitely time to be proactive before our next crisis.

Terry Taylor, Chilliwack

Trump’s mugshot worth a thousand words

Professional photographers, particularly those working for news agencies, are always looking for that moment when they can capture an image of a person that reveals their true character, and nothing could be more revealing than Donald Trump’s mugshot from his jailhouse booking in Atlanta. Does that expression really convey to America and the world that his leadership could “Make America Great Again?”

Ray Arnold, Richmond

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