Letters: If David Eby is concerned for homeowners, why doesn't he cut taxes?

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Premier David Eby has further revealed himself to be a typical grandstanding politician, with his letter to the governor of the Bank of Canada to halt interest rate hikes. Perhaps if his concern about the cost of home ownership was genuine, he may have considered first suspending the provincial carbon tax, and then permanently abolished the regressive property transfer tax.
Chris Emeno, Vancouver

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We need lower taxes, not a budget surplus

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Our illustrious premier has called the Bank of Canada asking that the interest rate not be increased as the costs associated with the high rates are far too high for the average family, which I totally agree with. At the same time, the province announced a $704 million surplus in the last fiscal year. Perhaps the province should consider lowering gas taxes, income taxes, etc. to help those struggling with the high cost of everything. We don’t need a surplus — how about just a balanced budget.

Tom Duncan, Chilliwack

Re. Closure of Joffre Lakes Park

I have been reading about the closure of the Joffre Lakes Provincial Park to the public until Truth and Reconciliation Day, Sept 30. As I see it, we who are descendants of settlers are being given an opportunity here. Instead of discussing or debating the issue, we could just agree to stay away until we are invited back. Settlers to B.C. have damaged First Nations people starting with the doctrine of discovery and carrying on with residential schools and the ’60s scoop, taking First Nations children from their homes and placing them for adoption with parents who were not Indigenous. Given this history, I find the closure of the Joffre Lakes Park for a month a very small demand. A good deal is being made of truth and reconciliation. My question is, now that we have been presented with a concrete action toward reparation, are we prepared to put our money where our mouth is?

Nicole Phillips, Richmond